About our class
We have an INCREDIBLY busy schedule in first grade here at Montgomery. We have so much to learn and accomplish before the end of the year. I try hard to manage behavior within the classroom by setting clear expectations and alerting students to what I need from them for each activity and period of the day. I try to allow as much time as I can for students to interact and be involved actively in learning. However, while I try to manage behaviors in the classroom, sometimes I need your help.
About how our classroom works:
I strongly believe that I will be most effective in educating your children by partnering with you, the parents. Parents are a child’s first and best teacher and as such I will look to you for support in encouraging your child’s learning, showing interest in their progress, and completing weekly homework assignments. I understand that families are busy, so I will strive to limit homework to a manageable amount each week. Please remember that your involvement shows your child that you value their education and that it is important to you. Please let me know if you have any concerns, questions, or problems in receiving or completing homework assignments so I can work with you.
Regarding your child’s day, I will send home a daily folder to let you know how your child's day went. Each child will be given a homework journal in which to complete homework in. Homework sheets are sent home at the beginning of each month. Choose one option to do Monday through Thursday and record work in journal in addition to recording reading time on reading log in purple folder on the newsletter. I will sticker or sign your child's folder each day indicating what type of day they had. Folders are marked as follows:
Sticker or smiley face- GREAT day!
Folder mark-please understand that I have probably reminded or given your child a multitude of warnings or reminders before I sign their folder I appreciate your help in talking to them about issues to focus their attention on learning.
Please check and sign your child’s folder each night. Feel free to write me a note back to communicate anything at all. I will strive to manage children’s behavior within the classroom and will only move their color after multiple attempts to remedy the problem within the classroom. I appreciate your support tremendously in working with your child’s behavior. I firmly believe that if we work together, we will have a GREAT experience and a great year.
We will have lunch each day at 10:50 and students oftentimes get hungry in the mornings before lunch. You are welcome to send a healthy snack with your child each day (pretzels, crackers, etc.) which they can eat during read to self or other times during the day before lunch. You may send these in your child’s backpack each day.
I am available each day during my conference period to discuss any concerns or issues you may have related to your child. You can send me a note with a contact number or request a conference at any time to discuss any concerns you have. I am here to help and will make myself available to help support your child in any way I can. Let’s have a GREAT year together and thanks for letting me be a part of your child’s life!!!!!