Third to Fifth Grade-Reading Resources

Welcome to you the reading resources page.  Below you will find internet resources and activities to help you learn new things to help you become an even better reader.  To visit each activity, simply click on the picture link below the focus area.  The link will open up in a new window.  Mrs. Hurlbert will assign some of these to you to work on but you are also welcome to practice with any of the content areas on your own as much as you like.  Have fun and let me know if you have any trouble with any of these links.

Practice Reading Passages online    

This site allows students to practice online with reading passages and comprehension questions.  Select your grade level (Reading 3rd) and then start with Assessment 1.  Great skill and test practice.  Use the links below it (Reading resources) as needed to help build understanding of specific TEKS related to reading.

Reading Resources

Context Clues                       Context Clues-Word Jungle


Context Clues-Millionaire      Context Clues-Guess Who


Main Idea                                Main Idea Lesson/Quiz



Main Idea-Headlines               Main Idea-Undertanding what I read



 What's the Big Idea?                Main Idea-Supporting Details



Cause and Effect                     Cause and Effect-

What caused it?



Cause and Effect Practice Quizzes

Start with one and work your way up.




 Making Inferences                    Inference Quiz



Authors Purpose                   Authors Purpose 2



Types of Text Game (Authors Purpose)

Authors Purpose                           Authors Purpose-Lesson/Quiz


Compare and Contrast Texts      Compare and Contrast 2


  Compare and Contrast-Several practice games/lessons





     Plot and Setting                Understanding plot, setting, scene



 Summarizing                              Summarizing what you have read


Making Predictions


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